• bye bye nail polish, episode #5



    hi everyone! today let me talk about nails!


    to introduce things properly, let me tell you a story about nails.

    so i remember how before i used to eat my nails whenever i was hungry loooool. don't laugh please, it's a fckin true story. alright. so i used to eat them when i was young, and my mum was always yelling at me 'bout that. so one day, a friend was telling me that she knew someone in her family who was operated, because the stomach did not support that this person in question, ate too much nails // I ACTUALLY DON'T KNOW IF IT'S TRUE LOL BUT YEA MY FRIEND I CAN TELL YOU IT WORKED THANKS // so this person apparently had big trouble, and was operated. that started to freak me the fck out guys! i was starting to reflect about that + hearing my mom : 'don't put your hands in your mouth because your hands are dirty', i'm pretty sure you all have heard those words, lol. then i started to avoid eat'em and was really forcing me.

    then happened another episode in my life where : i started wearing braces, which completely made me stop! like i tried again eating my nails and because of my braces, it was hurting me, and it became hard to crunch them. so during my braces experience, i started not thinking about eating my nails, then i completely stopped. THE END


    so for now, i've grown and it's better! so obviously, i started decorate my nails and all that stuff. i really liked to put nail polish, but idk why, but my nails started to separate, like you know when you pull off the nail polish, so my nails was kinda splitting and damaging ... but idk if it's because of the agressive solvent, maybe


    and then, just to say, today, i don't want to put anything on my nails at all. it's a choice that i made a not so long time ago, because i want to keep my nails natural. so today, i come to you, to talk about the nail buffer!


    yay, i'm so excited to talk about this because i really love to polish my nails now : it's so natural, and shiny, and it last better than a transparent nail polish! guys, i started polishing my nails since 2weeks now i guess, and i absolutely don't regret this decision, now there's this pretty natural glow on my nails, and all the area is soft af. GUYS


    i think, doing it really don't agress my nails at all, instead of using a nail polish + removing it

    so why not try guys? so the glow of your nail will last like maybe 1week, and when the glow starts to fade, you just have to take your buffer and polish it! it's super natural and very useful!

    but let me tell you that doing it for the first time may take maybe 10 to 15minutes maybe, but once it's done, IT'S DONE and one week after, you just have to polish for like 2minutes no more


    as you can see on the picture, my buffer is damaged lol, but i got it like 3years ago i think, and it's like today in 2017, that i seriously started using it, LOL (what's wrong with me??).


    so yea, i hope you enjoyed this article, i hope it helped you, if you are into nails!


    so have a good day,

    see you on the pretty next episode, xx

    « my cocooning sunday, episode #4i'm not confident enough to check my booty, episode #6 »

  • Comments

    Monday 25th September 2017 at 17:34


    Oh, I just read your episode #6 and I like it ! More, I understood the biggest ! 

    However, I'm not understood the use of "so"... Can you explain to me ? ^^'

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    Sunday 24th September 2017 at 15:31

    Hey ! 

    I realy love jour blog ! (It's correct un Inglish ?) 

    Already, I coming to introduce myself ^^' because I will post comments here, promise. However, speaking Inglish is not cuc of tea. It's really difficult for me... (I have my notebook next to me.) 

    Can I speak French now ? 

     Ouf.. C'était pas facile. J'ai vraiment essayer de Faire mes phrases toute seule.... 

    En tout cas, 

    J'aime vraiment tes articles ! Bon... Il y a des fois je ne comprends pas bien car je suis nulle en anglais mais c'est vraiment une bonne idée de les faire ainsi car ça peut en aider plus d'un, et moi la première. Je pourrais forcément m'améliorer en écrivant ici ! Merci beaucoup. 

    Niveau article, le peu que j'arrive à comprendre, ils sont vraiment bien détailler et écrit. C'est très agréable ;) je n'ai pas fini de tous les decripter mais c'est plaisant. J'essairais sûrement tes produis si je les trouves. 

    En plus, ton thème-déco est très agréable. Les couleurs ne se mélange pas, il n'est pas "tape à l'oeil" tout en restant intrigant. On a envie de le visiter :D. 



    Muchas Gracias ! 


    Thank You very much ! 

      • Sunday 24th September 2017 at 16:53

        hiii lovely!


        je veux te remercier touuuut d'abord. je suis contente que mon blog te rende heureuse, tant que je me divertisse en écrivant et en faisant également plaisir à mes lecteurs, ça me fait vraiment très plaisir!

        et je t'en prie, même moi j'avoue ne pas être une légende en anglais, puis j'essaye d'être le plus claire possible avec des mots simples.


        thanks for your support, my girl! xx

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